Ludlow : The Town that Died Twice


Article and photography bt Natasha Petrosova

Ludlow is one of the small towns that stands along the historic route 66 .  Route 66 was called a "Mother Road" - stretching from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica, California.  This 2448 mile road opened in 1926 and was not completely paved till 1937.  It crossed 8 states and three times zones,  Songs were written about it " Get your Kicks on Route 66" and 1960's television series was inspired by this iconic road.  

Towns that had sprung up were deserted when Route 66 was replaced by more modern four-plus-lane highways, which became very necessary as America became more prosperous and mobile.    

It said that town Ludlow died not only once but twice, although today there are still about 10 residents that reside there.  Ludlow was first established in 1882 as a water stop on the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad and named after rail car repairman Wiliam B. Ludlow.    

When the gold was discovered in the nearby Bagdad-Chase Mine in 1900 the town really took off.  The first samples milled from the mine yielded about 17, 000 per one thousand tons of ore so mine production stepped up.   However , there was not enough water at the actual mine to process the ore, Ludlow was famously known to be short on water , so water had to be shipped out via the Ludlow -Southern Railroad, beginning 1903.  From Ludlow, the ore was transferred to the mill in Barstow.  

Bagdad-Chase Mine was declared the town of Rochester and later Steadman as a "closed camp " where no liquor or women were allowed.  This gave Ludlow another boost because the miners came to town on Saturday night for entertainment.  Most of the town of Ludlow was owned by Murphy Brothers.  Another entrepreneur was known as Mother Preston, owned several buildings in town, including a store, hotel, boarding house, saloon cafe, pool hall and three homes.   She was known to be a good businesswoman and an expert poker player  Later on she sold to Murphy Brothers and retired in France.  

When borax was discovered in the area, Francis Marion " Borax: Smith built a railroad which ran from Ludlow to Beatty , Nevada.  The Railroad , the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad , was 169 miles long .  Three railroads running through Ludlow really benefited the town for as long as the mines were operational .  but unfortunately , it did not last forever.  

The Pacific Coast Borax Company started shutting down its operations in 1927-1928 , so the need for the T&T railroad declined , with the coming Depression rapidly drove to complete dismiss.  The Railroad line ceased operations in 1933 and by 1943 the tracks had been torn up.  The Ludlow _Southern Railroad had ceased its operations in 1916 , but not because gold mining operations declined.  Bagdad-Chase mine produced half of all the gold mined in San Bernardino County from 1880-1970.  

After two railroads ceased their operation , Ludlow began to decline.  However the opening of Route 66 made the town  thrive again  However,  when I-40 was built , the town was by -passed and Ludlow died again for the second time.  Today remains of first and second ghost town of Ludlow still stand: a shell of the Ludlow Mercantile Company ( originally Mother Preston's and then Murphy Brothers), railroad tracks, a neglected cemetery and the old Ludlow Cafe  and a post office. 

There is also Ludlow cafe , a motel and a gas station that still open and serve like a nice rest stop for refreshments and fuel .  

Ludlow Mercantile Company (originally Mother Preston’s and then the Murphy Brothers)

back of the building


railroad tracks

abandoned house

 the ruins

Ludlow cemetary 

Junk cars graveyard

fallen down house

 Ludlow Post Office

post office interior

 Old Garage 


 Ludlow cafe 


Ludlow Cafe still open 



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