Darwin Mining district

This Old Darwin mine consists of straight rows of decaying company houses,  stuck on the non-level Mountain Ophir.  In 1919 major development began on Mt. Ophir, and a company town was built to house all the miners needed to work the Wagner & Company Mine.  Wagner was only the first of several lessees and owners of the property until 1942 when the mine was closed be the government order that all mines were to be closed for the “War Effort”.
After the War ended, Anaconda Copper Mining Co. purchased the property and reopened the facilities, and within a couple years, the Anaconda’s Darwin Mine was the number one lead mine in California.  The mines remained in operation until the 1970s.  The remains of that company camp almost overshadow the original site of the town.

The Company "Project Darwin LLC“ acquired the Darwin mines and 58 patented mining claims in 1996. The company is looking for investors to re-start the Darwin mines.

Darwin  is known for its majestic setting, especially from late fall to early spring when the mountains are covered with heavy snow and the townsite and valley are dusted with clean white powder.  Cobalt-blue skies and a low sun angle highlight details of each building, and the historic town of Darwin gleams like a tiny jewel set in the vastness of its isolated setting.

 road inside Darwin Mines

 Darwin mine from the distance

 Miners cabins


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